Bond Graph Model for Fault Detection of Partial Shaded PV Array Considering Different Module Connection Schemes and Effects of Bypass Diodes
Fault detection in solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays is a fundamental task to protect PV modules from damage and to eliminate risks of safety hazards. In this work, we show a new methodology for automatic supervision and fault detection of PV Systems, based mainly on optimal placement of sensors. This supposes the possibility to build a dynamic model of the system by using the bond graph tool, and the existence of a degradation model in order to predict its future health state. The choice of bond graph is motivated by the fact that it is well suited for modeling physical systems where several types of energies are involved. Fault behavior of PV arrays is highly related to the fault location, fault impedance, irradiance level, and use of blocking diodes. In this work, PV array is connected using series parallel (SP) and Total Cross Tied (TCT) configurations including sensors to measure voltage and currents. The simulation results show the importance of the approach applied for the detection and diagnosis of fault in PV system. These results have been contrasted with real measured data from a measurement campaign plant carried on electrical engineering laboratory of Grenoble using various interconnection schemes are presented.
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