The Potential of Solar Thermoelectric Generator STEG for Implantation in the Adrar Region
Asolar thermoelectric generator STEG is a system similar to photovoltaics in the specificity of converting solar energy directly into electrical energy without the need for a mechanical transaction. However, compared to photovoltaics, its introduction into large-scale solar power generation has never been achieved, largely due to the low efficiency of the main component of STEG, the thermoelectric TE module. In contrast to other sectors where TE technology is emerging and growing a rapid development that consequently leads to the discovery of new materials, more TE efficient and adapted design engineering. From this reality, STEG has the potential to become a competing alternative technology to the dominant solar photovoltaic systems, especially in hot regions where the PV system suffers from the progressive and precocious degradation of its original properties, leading to a decrease in lifetime and efficiency due to thermal fatigue caused by the excessive heating of the cells by solar infrared radiation that is useless for PV conversion. The concrete example of our study is in Adrar region (south-west Algeria) which is among the hottest and sunniest areas in the world. A selective analysis of the most suitable STEG system for the Adrar region is proposed, based on state-of-the-art data of STEG systems realized and simulated in the scientific literature
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