The Thermal transfers of a habitable envelope in an extremely dry area and these effects on thermal comfort

  • Abdellatif OUDRANE Faculty of Science and Technology, University El-Wancharissi of Tissemsilt (CUT), Road Bougra Ben Hamouda, 38004, Tissemsilt, (Algeria)
  • messaoud Hamouda Laboratory of Sustainable Development and Computer Science (L.D.D.I)
  • Benaoumeur AOUR Laboratory of Applied Biomechanics and Biomaterials (LABAB), Polytechnic School of Oran-Maurice Audin (ENPO-MA), BP 1523 El Mnaour, 31000, Oran, (Algeria).
Keywords: Renewable energy, Individual habitat, Thermal comfort, Undesirable overheating, Saharan medium, Heat exchange


The main goal in this work is the thermal modeling of occupant comfort in new habitable architectures for a dry climate in the region of Adrar in Algeria. This thermal modeling aims to determine the parameters that affect the thermal comfort of the occupants in this climate. To achieve this goal, mathematical models describing thermal exchanges in an individual habitat have been developed. These models are established on the basis of the thermal balance at the level of each wall in habitat. The results obtained were calibrated using climatic data recently measured by the renewable energy research unit of the Saharan medium in Adrar. A detailed analysis of certain parameters influencing thermal comfort in this habitat was mentioned and discussed. The fundamental equations governing thermal exchanges have been concretized by an implicit method of finite differences, based on the nodal procedure. The system of algebraic equations obtained was solved by the iterative Gaussian method. The results of the numerical simulation have shown that the material currently used in the construction of this habitat, as well as the current climatic conditions, are the fundamental causes of undesirable overheating in this dry region.


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How to Cite
OUDRANE , A., Hamouda, messaoud, & AOUR, B. (2019). The Thermal transfers of a habitable envelope in an extremely dry area and these effects on thermal comfort. Algerian Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, 1(01), 79-91. Retrieved from[]=35