Genetic Algorithm Tuned PI Controller on PMSM Direct Torque Control

  • Omar Ouledali Laboratoire de Développement Durable et d’information (LDDI), faculté des Science et de la Technologie, Université Ahmed Draia, Adrar, Algeria
  • Abdelkader Meroufel ICEPS- Laboratory, University Djillali Liabes of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria, 22000
  • Patrice Wira IRIMAS, university of high Alsace,68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
  • Said Bentouba Departement of Sciences and Technology, LDDI Laboratory, University of Adrar Algeria
Keywords: Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM), DTC, Genetic Algorithm (GA), Voltage inverter


This paper presents the Direct Torque Control (DTC) strategy for the Permanent Magnets Synchronous Machine (PMSM) with tuning the PI controller by using genetic algorithms to ensure optimal performance it allows reducing the ripples of the torque and flux. A genetic algorithm is used to optimize the gains of the PI controller forgiven the reference of the torque. Simulation results verified the performance of the proposed approach. The simulations result of this technique is justified the minimization the ripples of switching in the inverter and reduces the harmonious of the torque and the stator current.


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How to Cite
Ouledali, O., Meroufel, A., Wira, P., & Bentouba, S. (2019). Genetic Algorithm Tuned PI Controller on PMSM Direct Torque Control . Algerian Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, 1(02), 204-211. Retrieved from[]=51